Hill List

Carpathians and Caucasus are mountains with severe, variable climate. That's why it's necessary to have appropriate equipment.
- Large capacity 80-100 litres
- Special bag (comfort 0-5°C)
- Cowrick.
- Trakking shoes (crosses)
- Two-layer
- Plag-Poncho
- Tracking sticks
- LOOK (dick, spoon, bear, knife)
- Flashlight
- Solar glasses
- Hygiene lipstick to protect against bleaching, sunscreen
- Personal hygiene
- Personal kit
- Photocapita
- Mobile phone
- Wind and water protection (synthetic jacket and pants, preferably membrane)
- Baseball and flies hat.
- Flash sweater
- Terms
- Socks, laundry
- Hand or shirt with long sleeves
Mandatory items
Ryukzak needs to buy anatomy design for the back. For a man, the backpack must have 80-100 litres for a woman: 60-80 litres. Don't take the old backpacks, they'll push you on your shoulders. Ryukzak must have belts and chest straps that will help reduce the burden on the back. It's very good if your backpack has unloaded hand loops that will help relax the body. If the backpack has a tip, it doesn't mean it won't be wet. The perfect option is to have a crutch on itself and a backpack. For the tourists, we've prepared a separate article to pick a backpack.
We need to have a good track-kink shoe for stoning. It is recommended to take trailer shoes or boots with the pole Vibram. If you have problems with the holenostop, you'd better take your shoes with the pole Vibram, which will be well fixed. Cedes or bosonic shoes will be used as spare shoes, but in no case should they take keds or bossons as basic shoes. Carpathians always have high humidity. They're fast-moving, they're hard to go through rocks. It's best to smash the shoes before we go, to avoid the mosles. In the Caucasus, we need thick skin boots, with a high cut-off wound, without many stitches, or they're gonna cut off small rocks - a bollock. Look at the detailed article, Choose shoes for walking♪
Carpathians and the Caucasus have very heavy rains and decks.
There's always a need for unprotected protection-- moisture jacket and pants, and on top of it, the poncho and the backpack. Besides, in the backpack, all things must be packed in waterproof bags.
I'd rather take a jacket and pants with a membrane and sticky stitch. Together with the coat, they will keep your body dry.
Plac-Poncho is the perfect fire protection for you. The good waterproofness plates are worth a lot of money, but they're doing a great job of camping.