What Kind Of Food To Take To The Mountains

What kind of food should be taken to the camp and how much
Какую еду взять в поход

What's recommended for breakfast, lunch and dinner:

The traveler ' s breakfast is usually different kashes (grew, oatmeal, rice, crup, musli). Use as many calories and glucose in the morning! There's got to be a calorie in the morning, so you've got a full reserve. Food: various carcasses, food left from dinner, macaroons, dairy carcasses, chocolates and jugs.

Dinner, lunch is usually fast. The canned (fish, pest) and the sandwiches made + tea or coffee. Dinner is more of a snack, you need to get a good hold of yourself so you can get along with the force reserve to a certain distance before sunset, after which you can have dinner. Food: sausage, sandwiches, different candy, chocolate and diaper.

Dinner is the main food that comes for dinner. Dinner's usually in a well-equipped camp, so you've got to have some space and time to make a great dinner. It must be the most delicious and saturated. If you go to sleep without eating, you'll be cold at night, because you won't have the power to produce heat, so you can forget the good dream. It is at this time that the corn abilities can be floated and various soups or the same meat cushions can be made. Food: various soups, candy, carcases, chicken meat or shoe, rice, plums, fries in the mundir, hot sausages, salon.

What should I take?

Now we'll figure it out, What do you want?♪ Carbons are needed as a basis for feeding in walking: Greeks, rice, corn, pepper crup or macaroni (preferably spiral, they blend less than the others). Meat We need to go. A little. It could be dry, glued or canned meat. The sausage only takes the cheesecope wrapped in a vacuum package. Conservatives: Pasht, different fish, corn, furry meat. Don't forget salt, onions, garlic and spices!

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