Mountain Winter

List of winter carpathic equipment
Заполярный рубеж, 2012 by

Снаряжение для зимнего похода в Карпаты” List of equipment for the winter

Special features of winterization equipment on Carpathians

In Carpathians, winter may begin at different times. The snow can lie in November, but usually the deep snow falls in the second half of December. The snowest time in Carpathians is from 15 February to 15 March. Winter doesn't happen in Siberia, it's softer, it's often warmed up. Average daily temperatures are 5 - - 15 C, colder. Average night temperatures -10 - -15 C, less -20 C.

В зимних походах по Карпатам ночуем в колыбахRecommendations for the selection of winter equipment for Carpathians

A tent. Most of the winter trips in Carpathians involve nights in the cradles. So we don't take tents at all to ease the general weight. If the tent is taken, the following considerations should be taken into account. When a sports trip is planned, which can be nights on ridges, the best high tents with aluminium aluminium arc, reinforced design, more durable tent materials are required. In the case of a walk where the nights will be near the cradle, in the woods, there's a normal all-sezzle with plastic or aluminium arcs.

Ryukzak. For a man, the recommended backpack is at least 75 l, for a woman at least 60 l.

Fonariki (bachils, gamashi)♪ We'll take it with us. They're designed to protect shoes against snow and dirt inside.

A rug. In order to be able to sleep warmly, it is recommended that a new Jeevese rug (or another producer, the bulk) be purchased for winter. Old worn carpets better leave for the summer.

Гамаши (фонарики, бахилы) Зимний спальник Балаклава Горнолыжная маска
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