Mining Fleet

Phototechnician canon
Как выбрать фотоаппарат для

At present, all photographic manufacturers, which can be used in mining, are firms owned by either Japanese or Korean. Only the German Lake produces cameras and photo-objectives that a tourist without the help of the porters will be able to wear in the mountains, but the price of this miracle of phototechnics with the necessary objects is plunging over 10,000 euros. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Phototechnician Canon


There's no special photo cameras in the mountains, and in fact, Canon's firm doesn't produce during active rest. To find that more than 70 million Europeans are so resting, the company ' s markers may not be given.

The digital mirrors of the Canon cameras have very poor software, as is the treatment of the information obtained from the matrix, inside the camera itself, and what is being supplied with the camera for installation on the computer.

Canon's replacement photos are either very heavy or very mediocre. When photographed in the mountains, the required result can only be obtained by using expensive and heavy Ls.

The reference image that gives mirror photocampers Canon can be described only by one word, the chmuro. To remove the Canon mirrors in the mountains, it is necessary to perfect the PhotoShop, always film each story by displaying it separately and by light, and by the shadows, to record photos only in RAW, and the main acquisition of the RAW file from an independent manufacturer in Europe, for example: Capture One PRO.

Canon's non-sercurical cameras are today the best instrument for this class to take pictures in the mountains, especially because most of them have an optical viewer, although in recent models firms have begun to fight this advantage without mercy.

The matrix used in these photo cameras of the OTLs is no longer a chmuro of images such as the CMR mirror matrix. And if anyone's lucky to buy an old Canon non-sercical cell with a matrix that's less than four mega-pixes, he's gonna be the owner of a great go-to photo shoot.

Of course, there are shortcomings in old cameras.

Best samples:

From the mirror cameras, it's Canon EOS 5D and Canon EOS 30D. These cameras have the most appropriate optical resolution of the matrices, little intra-cameric image processing and moderate prices. Canon EOS 1D Mark III is even more qualitative, but the camera is too expensive and heavy, but very well protected from dust and moisture. The quality of the matrices of these three cameras can be seen here. ♪ ♪

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