We Need To Take A Hill

In the near future, the spring time is approaching, which means it's time for vacations, holidays and, of course, camping. If you don't treat the beachers or, for example, decided to try something new and go to a real camping trip, this case needs serious preparation.
It's beautiful, of course, fresh air, new impressions, changing environment, real adventures and sense of freedom! What could be more beautiful? Turns out it might be a walk accompanied by some comfort. To get a real pleasure out of this rest, you have to deal with the minimum things you have to take with you.

Usually, inexperienced traitors make a general mistake, recruiting the amount of " necessary " with them, then the whole route is torn under the weight of their own nose, and, sadly, even a half of the things collected are still not available. They don't know that walking is a special atmosphere with their living conditions.
There's a lot to refuse, but what's interesting is that such deprivation doesn't really affect the general impression of such a journey. And yet, let's try to figure out what to take with us to feel as comfortable as possible while not carrying a heavy burden.
Where do we start?
Of course, from the route! It will depend on its complexity and duration on a minimum set of necessary items. Agree, there's a huge difference between a natural journey that ends the same night or, to the maximum, the next morning, and a serious weekly trip, in which nights in tents are foreseen and the crossing of sufficiently dangerous subways.
We will try to average the list of all the necessary, but there may be adjustments from one side, depending on the specific conditions.